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A Massive explosion in Beirut shocks the whole world

A massive explosion was reported from the capital of Lebanon; Beirut on Tuesday. According to the latest reports, at least 78 people were killed while more than 4000 were injured.

Eyewitness videos taken from several angles shows smoke layers raging towards the sky following a powerful explosion.

Lebanese Prime Minister Hassan Diab said that an estimated 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate had been stored at a warehouse in Beirut for six years, according to a statement published on the Republic of Lebanon Presidency website.

"I will not rest until we find those responsible for what happened, hold them accountable, and impose maximum punishment," he said.

However, Ammonium nitrate is not an explosive in the form it is commonly sold unless, if the chemical itself is contaminated, for example with oil, it becomes highly explosive.

US Embassy in Beirut urges people to use face masks and to stay indoors as a risk of a possible toxic gas release happened due to the explosion. 

"There are reports of toxic gases released in the explosion so all in the area should stay indoors and wear masks if available," the embassy warned.

President Trump on Tuesday described Tuesday's massive explosions in Beirut, Lebanon,  as an "attack," claiming that U.S. generals he met with seemed to think it was an "attack" of some kind. No official reports were released saying the explosion is related to any terrorist activity as this was the first time that the Beirut indecent was labelled as an attack.

(Photo: Sky News)
Qatar, Iraq and Kuwait plan to send medical assistance to Lebanon in the aftermath of the deadly explosion, according to state news agencies in the Middle East.

"Our condolences go out to the Lebanese people, and we pray to God that the victims be blessed with mercy and heal the wounded," The Emir of Qatar, Tamim Bin Hamad Al Thani, said on Twitter.

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