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Taiwan president rejects Chinese rule

Taiwanese president Tsai Ing-wan made a statement today (20), rejecting China's "One Country, Two Systems" policy. She made her statement in a speech after being sworn in her second term in the office.

President Tsai Ing-wen and Vice President William Lai (centre-left, rear) arrive for the inauguration in Taipei (Taiwan Presidential Office Handout via EPA)
However, President Tsai looks forward toward a new policy in which both countries could coexist. “Both sides have a duty to find a way to coexist over the long term and prevent the intensification of antagonism and differences,” she said.

“Here, I want to reiterate the words ‘peace, parity, democracy, and dialogue’. We will not accept the Beijing authorities’ use of ‘one country, two systems’ to downgrade Taiwan and undermine the cross-strait status quo. We stand fast by this principle,” Tsai added.

The Democratic Progressive Party led by president Tsai Ing-wan won the January Presidential and Parliamentary elections marking an outstanding victory. They vowed to stand up to China, which claims Taiwan as its own and says it would be brought under Beijing’s control by force if needed.

Since the re-election of the Tsai government, China worked on stepping up its military drills near Taiwan. Also, China is currently dominating the south china sea despite the US Navy interference in the area.

At her speech, Tsai said that Taiwan will continue its fight to participate in international organisations, and “bolster ties with the United States, Japan, Europe, and other like-minded countries”. Her statements seem like a red light toward Beijing, showing a possible turning point of their supremacy.

If China loses their control in Taiwan, It will be a great threat to Chinese dominance over the South China sea. Also, the US will have a strategic advantage over the area by keeping Taiwan on their side. Trump administration seems to be working on taking their chances as they strongly provide Taiwan with arms and diplomatic support.

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