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Russia has developed the First Coronavirus Vaccine

Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday (11) that, Russia was successfully able to develop the first vaccine offering "Sustainable immunity" against Coronavirus. The vaccine was given regulatory approval within less than two months of Human Trials.

(Photo: Aljazeera)
President Putin further said that the vaccine had passed required tests, with all volunteers building up immunity against the virus. He also revealed that his daughter had already been given it.

The vaccine was developed by the Gamaleya National Research Center The vaccine is based on adenovirus and contains dead COVID-19 particles which cannot multiply and are therefore safe, said Alexander Gintzburg, head of the centre.

However, it can provoke an immune response such as high temperature to the introduction of foreign substances, he added.

Some experts are raising concerns about the immediacy of the researches done by Russia related to Coronavirus, suspecting that researchers might be cutting corners.

With the official registration for the vaccine in the Russian Health Ministry, Officials are planning to start mass vaccinations in October.

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