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Aarogya Setu: Government tracing app is now mandatory for all workers in India

As the Indian government decided on easing down the lockdown measures, A government-backed Bluetooth tracing app was announced mandatory for all public, private sector employees, as well as people living in containment zones.

Indian Ministry of Home Affairs said in its directive, “Use of Aarogya Setu app shall be made mandatory for all employees, both private and public. It shall be the responsibility of the head of the respective organisations to ensure 100% coverage of this app among the employees.”

As an effort in fighting Coronavirus pandemic situation, last month India launched Aarogya Setu, a Bluetooth and GPS based system developed by the country's National Informatics Centre.

The app alerts users who may have come in contact with people later found to be positive for COVID-19 or deemed to be at high risk.

According to Google Play Store data, the app has been downloaded about 50 million times on Android phones. Officials suggest that this app needs to be on at least 200 million phones for it to be successfully effective for 1.3 billion population.

India currently has over 37,000 confirmed COVID-19 cases with about 1,200 deaths while over 9,900 recovered.

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