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Coronavirus rising in Russia

On Tuesday, Russia's Coronavirus crisis response centre reported 10,102 new COVID-19 cases increasing the total number of officially reported cases to 155,370 making Russia the seventh most affected country in terms of infections.

Russia might be facing the peak of the pandemic situation as President Vladimir Putin expected. He said, "The peak is not behind us, we are about to face a new and gruelling phase of the pandemic ... the deadly threat of the virus remains,".

(REUTERS/Alexandra Anikeeva)
Last week, President Putin has extended the national “non-working” isolation period through May 11 as daily infection rate kept rising in Russia.

Mikhail Mishustin, the prime minister of the Russian Federation has been also diagnosed with the novel Coronavirus.

Meanwhile, Russia has sent medical supplies and two mobile laboratories to the Democratic Republic of Congo as assistance for the African region to fight against Coronavirus pandemic.

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