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Is Russian president losing trust?

Vladimir Putin, president of the Russian Federation and the second most powerful person in the world (Forbes) is facing a slight fall of public approval rating.

According to a poll conducted by Levada Center, the president's approval rating is now at 59%, lower than the last month's rating of 63%. This may seem not a concerning effect on Putin's power. But 59% is his lowest level in more than two decades.

(Photo: Alexei Druzhinin/AP)
Due to the pandemic situation, the poll was conducted through phones this time. Levada's deputy director Denis Volkov suggests this might be clipped 1-2% off from Putin's rating. However, Volkov also said that an outcome of 61% would be equal to the president's lowest rating recorded in 2013.

The poll was conducted on April 24 to 27 and a total of 1,608 people were polled across Russia.

The ongoing Coronavirus pandemic is surely a tough challenge for Putin. For the past 20 years, as the President or the prime minister, President Putin showed his outstanding capabilities in administration.

It is too early to make speculations about Putin's trust among Russian people yet. But, his handling of the Coronavirus situation will surely make a huge impact on his approval ratings in the future.

In March, President Putin took some serious steps which will clear the path for him to remain in power until 2036.

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